What is your choice?

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What is your choice?

Do you feel the change out there? The Virus and the following fixation on a onesided perspective taken from a linear world view has dominated the last nine weeks, causing unbearable stress for us all. Shutdowns, hysteria, masks, non rational reactions showed up within and around us one after the other. There is a choice.

Now it feels as if some people are returning to something more common sense while questioning the reduction of fundamental rights and the consequences to the economy from the top to the bottom. Supply chains are severly interrupted. What is your own position? Have you made your mind up? What is your way forward? What is your choice?

In Germany there are 2.1 Million people who will lose their financial existence. The tip of the iceberg. 40 percent of the potential employees in Spain are now unemployed. Italy suffers severe economic problems. Millions already are starving and dying in the third world.

Germany alone will invest seven billion Euro to an international project to develop vaccines for a virus that continues mutating while solo-entrepreneurs in Germany are waiting for the promised unbureaucratic financial aid, to cover their costs as they have not been allowed to work as is also true for so many others. The aid presumably will never reach them while the authorities are already distributing enforcement notices for tax and fees which have not been paid in time during the last nine weeks.

Meanwhile the measures are being taken back and new restrictions and control are announced regarding tracking, wearing masks, being forced to leave your address when popping into restaurants and the coffee shop and so on. Mainstream-media complains that retail is impacted and shoppers confidence is subdued.

The number of protesters and the tension is increasing while the governments show complete ignorance as to what is being said. They continue to insist their way to be the only one.

In this weeks program of our platform though we present a third direction which is now becoming visible. There are already many people around the world working on alternative concepts and tools to change direction. These individual ways to cope with the situation are providing many new inputs from which you can make up your own mind and to find your own path.

For example: Cayra Arcangioli-Studler is talking about self responsibility for all aspects in life, especially concerning health care issues.

Daniela Schenk is speaking about German journalism and how Mainstream-media is insisting to continue to their propaganda course.

Karl Gamper, Austria, introduces us to his project to find peace. Goran Bojic explains the consequences of tacit agreements with injustice and how this is influencing destiny.

The six English speakers refer to mainly social aspects. Aunty Mulara reminds us of the power and energy of our Grandmothers and Nat Ferrier asks the question: How much more virus do you need to wake up?

Do not miss our workshop on Saturday and join in the Matinee and Sundowner on Sunday covering current topics and facts to assist your choice.

Author profile

Mein Leben war von Anbeginn ein Spagat zwischen Kulturen. Mein Vater war Brite, meine Mutter Deutsche. Ich war damit staatenlos. Mit fünf erhielt ich die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, weil meine Mutter der Politik einen Hungerstreik androhte. Früh erlebte ich, dass mein pures Dasein Veränderung mit auszulösen vermochte. Ich studierte Rechtswissenschaften. Nach einem Ausflug als Regieassistentin an Theatern wurde ich Journalistin. 1989 kehrte ich aus England zurück. Die Grenzöffnung führte mich nach Thüringen als leitende Redakteurin. Dort traf ich auf Fugas einen Achal-Tekkiner aus dem Noch-Einzugsgebiet von Tschernobyl. Für ihn studierte ich fünf Jahre Klassische Tierhomöopathie. 2008 gründete ich das Conscious enterprise „Fugis Sonnenhof“.

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