Are you the missing link? The way to find out is to read on and join in!

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Are you the missing link? The way to find out is to read on and join in!

Are you the missing link?
The way to find out is to read on and join in!

Getting the feeling it is easy to lose track of what is right and wrong, true or false? Did you ask yourself, where should I go and why? Wondered if there is something left that truly makes sense?

Have you recently questioned if there was a deeper knowledge, new meaning, greater context, and fuller coherence to possibly understand what is actually happening out there?

Do you, deep inside, feel that there must be a solution beyond the Corona-scenario? Do you have an infinite notion that in the end you are not alone but one individual and a unique part of all there is?

Are you clear that there must be a reason why you are here on this planet now in this time? That your known and still unknown talents possibly will lead to the solutions that you as well as the world require?

If so then you may be the missing link to create a future and build the world you always wanted, based on fellowship, diversity and dignity where creativity and the exchange of interdisciplinary ideas reveal and lead to a new and unknown space? Are you prepared to give it a chance? Then come on and be a part of our program.

If you have the feeling you have been missing the kinds of open discussions which illuminate all of the aspects involved or if you wish to clarify your thoughts beyond the mainstream concepts, then this platform will offer some inspiration to you to become focussed on a new level of awareness especially now in this chaotic period of time, and to find new, appropriate solutions that fit you, nature and the community.

In the video library you will discover a huge and steadily increasing number of speakers pointing out their personal ideas, experiences and expertise on a wide range of aspects involved in the process the Corona Crisis brought to the surface worldwide. The link is: click here! The fee: 10 Euros per month/10 US Dollar per month around the world. Grab it!

Besides this we offer weekly workshops in German and English for our community. The link to the German section is: click here! The link for the English speaking section is: click here! Join them!

If you are still seeking for even more input please watch our Matinees for the German section and the Sundowners in the English section each Sunday where experts of different disciplines are discussing current issues: The Link is: click here! Follow them!

And please let us know if you would like to be a speaker on your specific expertise and topic. Raise your hand!

And last but not least you may have the talent to write articles referring to current affairs, pointing out new and up to now unseen aspects. Write them down and let us know! Do not forget suitable pictures!

If you feel called to share your experiences on how it is best to contribute to self-sufficiency. Send us your recipes around the world and let us know in what season you currently live in your part of this earth. Please include photos!

Maybe you have special knowledge of preserving your harvest, tricks and knowledge about natural gardening or agriculture, permaculture – send them in!

If you are a specialist in crafting for example garden houses in octahedron shapes, etc. – here is the opportunity to share your expertise to help others!
Do you have special knowledge on how to breed or provide treatments for animals?

Do your knowledge and skills give you creative perspectives on society, legal systems or economics? And or would you like to contribute to the subject of free speech, civil rights and or the paradigm changing of the terms of Science and health care?

And if you are an artist in whatever area of Art, please let us know so that we can participate in your projects and messages for the benefit of all.

If you would like to discuss new concepts to assist the reconstruction of the economies of our society and lives, please raise your hand!

Please do not hesitate to comment and interact with all parts of our programs and the Editorial of this Magazine, FUTURE LINK!

Author profile

Mein Leben war von Anbeginn ein Spagat zwischen Kulturen. Mein Vater war Brite, meine Mutter Deutsche. Ich war damit staatenlos. Mit fünf erhielt ich die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit, weil meine Mutter der Politik einen Hungerstreik androhte. Früh erlebte ich, dass mein pures Dasein Veränderung mit auszulösen vermochte. Ich studierte Rechtswissenschaften. Nach einem Ausflug als Regieassistentin an Theatern wurde ich Journalistin. 1989 kehrte ich aus England zurück. Die Grenzöffnung führte mich nach Thüringen als leitende Redakteurin. Dort traf ich auf Fugas einen Achal-Tekkiner aus dem Noch-Einzugsgebiet von Tschernobyl. Für ihn studierte ich fünf Jahre Klassische Tierhomöopathie. 2008 gründete ich das Conscious enterprise „Fugis Sonnenhof“.

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