Sweet Potato or Butternut Flatbread

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Sweet Potato or Butternut Flatbread

I love this unique recipe that I found while searching for something else online. I have made some minor adjustments to this versatile, grain free, gluten free, delicious, very healthy recipe.  It is a wonderful way to use leftover butternut squash or sweet potato (yam). These little flatbreads are sort of like pancakes and can be eaten as open face sandwiches with the protein topping of your choice.  I also like them warmed up and spread with unsweetened nut butter at breakfast time. Enjoy! 

Prep time:  10 minutes
Cooking time: 14 minutes
Yield:  6 flatbreads (this recipe can easily be doubled)


  • 2 Tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 packet of plain gelatin powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ cup + 2 Tbsp well cooked and mashed sweet potato or butternut squash
  • 2 Tbsp melted coconut oil, melted butter or olive oil
  • 2 eggs


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
  • Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper.  If you are doubling the recipe, you will need 2 baking sheets.
  • In a small bowl stir together the coconut flour, gelatin and salt.
  • In another bowl stir together the mashed sweet potato (or squash) and the oil.  Add in the eggs one at a time, mixing well.  Add the coconut flour mixture and stir well.
  • Spoon the ‘batter’ into rounds on the prepared baking sheet – making them as thin or thick as you desire.
  • Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven, flip the flatbreads over and return to the oven for another 4 minutes or so.
  • Cool on a wire baking rack.
  • These flatbreads last several days when kept in the fridge in a sealed container.  They also freeze very well (helpful hint: place a small piece of parchment paper in between the flatbreads to keep them from freezing together).
Author profile
Cathy Ormon
Cathy Ormon

Cathy Ormon is a Health Coach, Author and Podcast Host. Her journey into health coaching started with her own debilitating health crisis in her 50’s, when she had systemic inflammation, arthritis, and a weak immune system. There were no answers or support for her health issues within the medical system. Cathy’s journey led her to find complete healing using an alternative, holistic approach - without medications.

Her life was radically transformed by totally removing refined foods and sugars from her diet and making moderate lifestyle changes. In short, Cathy learned how to harness the power of nutrition and lifestyle to kick sugar, refined foods and cravings and create unstoppable energy! Through personal experience, coaching and extensive research Cathy has come to understand that serious health issues DO NOT have to happen. The food each of us choose to eat can either slowly poison us, or it can completely heal us!

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