Rajan Sankaran MD (HOM)

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Rajan Sankaran MD (HOM)

MD Rajan Sankaran is a homeopathic practitioner who practiced in Mumbai India for 40 years. He did write many books about homeopathic treatment and classification of remedies. Dr Sankaran says we need open-mindedness and collaboration. Homeopathy is still here after 200 years, so there must be something about it. It was tested in COVID 19 Infections in India on 100.000nd of cases. It is highly effective and should be given the opportunity to be proofed and used.


  • the entire world is in a lock down; it is a unique situation and a great possibility to pause and reflect on our values
  • define your purpose and work towards that, take care of your diet and body exercise, take care of yourself and do not waste time
  • We need so little, we can discover that now, rejuvenate and realize the impermanence of our life and find peace within
  • We need spiritual alignment, distance from the impermanent and to step back to our true self


“I am as much in the dark as you are.”

Additional Websites of Rajan Sankaran M.D.
Sampoornam Retreat Website
Online Homeopathic Medical Publishers

Born in the 70s, I should be a generation X kid. Am I really? More and more I recognise myself as a generation Y kid. Why? I feel myself for example like a digital native, because I got my first PC at the age of 8 and I never stopped using computers since then. Now a days I'm creating websites, like this one you're surfing on, and many others. That's one of my favorite daily jobs. In a "do it for you" manner, I'm serving people.

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