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Sunday Live Talk #15 – The tubercular miasm and viral infections

The tubercular miasm and viral infections - FLH #15
In this LIVE TALK we will discuss the features of the tubercular miasm and the connection of that miasm to viral diseases especially to Covid 19. We will see how the mind set of this miasm fits into the possibility of immunodeficiency and low energy profil as well as the organs that are likely damaged. We will talk about the chimeric feature of the miasm and its velocity which requires often and sudden change of medication in acute situations. Listen to our guests: Dr. Meeta Nihlani (Homeopath and Teacher), Dr. Priya Subramanian (Bird remedies), Dr. Martine Jus (CEO of the SHI) and Dr. Gautam Aurora (senior Homeopath) and the experiences they made with the treatments they use. Sunday Live Talk Homeopathy #15 Sunday Live Talk Homeopathy #15

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