- The need to find the fundamental cause of a disease like chronic fatigue leads you to look at many areas. As a result, the chronic fatigue in one person is not the same in the second person.
- The practitioner needs to resist the urge to immediately find the remedy based on the totality of symptoms, but rather firstly to understand the causation first.
- There will be a similimum to suit the presenting symptoms, however you still have to treat the underlying causation first.
Quote: "Causation of chronic fatigue is one or all of toxicity, and or deficiency, and or infection”.
Jons recommendations:
Homeopathic books for practitioners:
Homeopathic treat yourself books for laypeople:
Novel for children introducing the ideas of meditation and nature:
Jon Gamble
Jon uses potentised viruses, mycotoxins, chemicals, toxic elements in a targeted way to treat one of the most difficult of chronic diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome. Like all syndromes, one must understand the fundamental causes of the disease, of which there are many, to know which treatment to apply to the patient. There are common causes and patterns which are recognisable. Homeopathy works exceptionally well because of the oversensitivity which exists with most CFS patients.
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