Finding Truth – How do I know what is right for me now
AUDIO - Finding Truth – How do I know what is right for me now
Jac leads us through the steps to be able to gain certainty around what it is we sense inside ourselves and also what is going on around us. The creation of safe boundaries, and how to use these boundaries as a tool for proceeding on what she terms “The return journey to self”. Jac describes issues which are right outside of her own boundaries which have impact right now, and offers her view of a series of healthy alternatives.


  • These times lead us to speak out, even if we normally wouldn’t do so.
  • People are forced to examine their return journey to self, and to hold their own space, without being drawn into toxicity.
  • Knowing your own boundaries needs to be learned. It is not something natural in our culture.

People from so many walks of life are having their boundaries crossed at present – People are stamping their feet, but they still aren’t sure of how to establish a healthy boundary.

My Incredible Orbit Group:

Jacquie McIntyre

Jacquie McIntyre
Jacquie advocates for people's potential and the return journey to Self. She shares her knowledge in all things healthcare, consciousness and body psychology whilst inspiring people to be the most exceptional version of themselves that they can possibly be.
Jacquie McIntyre

Jacquie McIntyre is naturally hungry for knowledge and new information. Her lifelong drive to reach the next level of understanding in science and research ensures her approach as a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and instructor is dynamic and adventurous. Her global practice offers services for both human and animal clients but Jacquie’s entry into the BodyTalk paradigm of practice in 2006 did not reflect that vision.

Over the subsequent 10 year period, Jacquie’s BodyTalk studies and practice has been a constant source of satisfaction and joy. She is passionate about people and guiding them to a ‘waking up’ of their bodies. Her lifelong commitment and deep love of animals has been transformed into a unique service to establish balance for them as clients and to give them a voice. There is a balanced core of happiness, bliss and good health that all people and animals seek.  Jacquie facilitates the journey back to this core.

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