- Homeopathic treatment is not only about finding a remedy but also about including mind and spirit. Therefor exercises for the mind are necessary.
- To be able to treat in different cultures, one must know the differences in the cultures.
- After World War Two Japanese men were in great stress and pressure to rebuild their country and economics, therefor some of them wished to change gender and took estrogens. Both women and men were often infertile.
- After the catastrophe of Fukushima Dr. Torako Yui – a Japanese homeopath – treated first thing the soil
Germans tested the Japanese Oleander as remedy because it was observed that it had the power to overcome the symptoms of the catastrophe of Hiroshima. The result is that a very helpful remedy was found and the connection between Japanese and Germans was strongly enforced - Dr. Torako Yui developed a first aid kid for emergency cases and Rosina Sonnenschmidt adjusted it for western people. It includes the problems of microwaves and can be ordered here: mail@isartu-apotheke.de
Quote: „I wanted to know where the spiritual side of Hahnemann is. It is found in the §§ 286 – 289 of the Organon.”
Dr. Rosina Sonnenschmidt
For 12 years I concentrate on the treatment of Microwave-diseases due to our modern digital communication-devices (cell-phone etc.) My contact to Japan is based on the friendship with the lady-president, Dr. Torako Yui. She invented Homoeopathy 23 years ago and founded the “Japanese, Homoeopathy and Medical Association” (JPHMA), in which I am an honored member since 2006. Due to the pandemic situation my work covers the necessity of a First-Aid-Kit which I created with homoeopathic remedies, to solve the problem of fear, panic, weak immune system and stress of technical radiation. I published about 50 books about Homoeopathy and Health Balance
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