Finding your Heart through Sound
AUDIO - Finding your Heart through Sound
Through Sound Christine shows how firstly she healed herself and then latterly many others. She demonstrates how channelled sound can effectively be used as a mechanism for the easing of struggle in the important transitions in life including Birth Death and Illness.


  • Laid up in bed with an long term illness I began to hear music. As I played the music I became better.
  • One of my jobs is to create music to assist people in their passing.
  • As a truth seeker – I find the music that is needed, for humans, animals and plants.

“My experience was that musical “Toning” releases pain, I then realised I was working at a cellular level through sound and in particular toning.”


Christine Morrison

Christine Morrison
I am a Musical Alchemist, Sound Healer and Composer creating inspirational music for change and holding sacred space, enabling people to be attuned to the vibration of Divine Love, connecting with the wisdom of their heart through the universal language of sound and music.
Christine Morrison

I was born with the gift of music and began piano lessons at 3 years old. I am a classically trained pianist with A.Mus.A (piano) and worked 23 years as Primary School teacher and Music Specialist with B.Ed (Primary) overlapping with 24 years as a Facilitator, Mentor, Sound & Music Healer, Musician, Composer and Author. Since 1996 I have been a Recording Artist & Teacher, working with sound and music as a holistic complementary therapy incorporating body, mind and spirit. Iam founder and custodian of the Soul Musicality Course - Sound and Music Healing for the 21st Century - and Creator of healing music for individuals, groups and community.  I am known as developer and facilitator of sound and music healing workshops & retreats internationally, especially unique retreats in Central Australian Desert and Southern France. I composed and released 7 healing music albums, published magazine articles and performed and presented at spiritual festivals throughout Australia, New Delhi and  Sweden. I am a Peace Advocate and Lover of Humanity.

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