Anke Zimmermann, German born, but now based in Canada has developed profound methodologies for the treatment of paediatric conditions including the Autism spectrum. Blending traditional with more modern homeopathic approaches layered in an external view of modern medicine and science, has led Anke to a thoroughly evidence and modern research-based treatment method.
  • Autism is an expression of an accumulation of stresses, it is not caused by one thing.
  • Autism could be described as Autoimmune encephalitis. This may be the best fit as it can be seen in Autistic cases that there are many inflammatory processes occurring in the brain.
  • Autoimmune responses most often have a lag of many weeks between the stress and the expression of the disease. This is true for the kinds of stress that follow on from vaccines. The vaccine industry is not examined under the time scales that would show correlation.

Quote:Autism is the expression of a cumulative experience, there is usually no one cause

BSc Anke Zimmermann

BSc Anke Zimmermann
Anke Zimmermann, BSc, FCAH was born and raised in Germany and now lives and practices on beautiful Vancouver Island in Canada. She has always had a special interest in children with behavioural and developmental challenges, which has led her to explore vaccine and medication injuries. Anke has an international consulting practice.
BSc Anke Zimmermann

Anke is currently writing a book about her experience with vaccine injuries as well as developing a course for professionals on developmental disorders and homeopathy. She is also in the process of creating a specialized therapeutic child care centre for children with autism, which will incorporate everything that is helpful to young children on the spectrum. She hopes that this integrated approach will be successful and ultimately adopted in other parts of the country and the world.

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