I have been born in Lower Bavaria in 1961. I count my life in 7 year steps. Step 1 was dedicated to surviving. Step 2 was dedicated to sports and ballet. Step 3 was decated to music, art and literature. Step 4 was dedicated to veterinary science. Step 5 was dedicated to homeopathy and my near death experience. Step 6 was dedicated to the study of spiritual masters. Step 7 was dedicated to the experience of loss on a wide scale. Throughout step 8 I learned to be honest and confront truth. Step 9 began with divorce, stranded me in Greece and pushed me into online business...I guess is is all about change :-)
Angst kenne ich gut, gerade Höhenangst. Meine Angst war immer wieder so groß, dass ich mich damit auseinandersetzen musste, sonst hätte sie mich umgebracht. Also...