DrDolittle Sanctuary - Volunteers

Erinnerungen und Empfehlungen

11 stationäre Katzen, 1 Hund und etliche Streuner des DrDolittle Sanctuary haben sehr profitiert von unseren Volontären. Wir sagen DANKE.


Fördere FutureLinkWerde Volontär
Unsere Volontäre seit Juli 2022

Jede Begegnung war einzigartig und wertvoll


4 weeks – July 2022
from Argentina

I had such an amazing experience and I had a lovely time with myself. I learned tons of things and that means a lot to me. I am extremely grateful that life took me there.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Heatlh & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 x 4 weeks – August & October 2022
from Ireland

I love all the cats with their striking personalities, the work I am asked to do is reasonable and very fair, the beach and walk to it is fabulous and helps fitness! 

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 x 3 weeks – September 2021/22 
from Germany

I just love coming here, enjoying the sea, the cats, the solitude, the me-time and the morning talks with Marie-Anne. Best break you can get from a stressful life.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%

Victoria & Kariah

6 weeks – November & December 2022
from Australia

If you are looking for a relaxing house in the mountains with some lovely cats, this is the place for you! We had such a wonderful time that we decided to extend our stay.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%

Angela & Miriam

6 weeks – December & January 2022/23
from Switzerland

We were trusted with responsibility, we had constant support and learned so much about maintenance, caring for cats, puppy education and most of all about ourselves.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


4 weeks – February 2023
from The Netherlands

A great place to spend the month of February. A very nice private house to stay. Nice jobs, lovely animals, friendly and personal contact. Excellent host.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


4 weeks – March 2023
from Ireland

If you are looking for a place where you can work alone, be in touch with animals and nature, this is it! I am grateful for the time I had here and the knowledge shared.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 weeks – April 2023
from Spain

The cats of the sanctuary are true healers who make sure you find yourself well cared for during your stay. If you are lucky,  a dog will uplift your spirit while you are there.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2×6+3 weeks – Apr./May & Sept./Oct. 2023 & July 2024 – from Ireland

The cats & dogs each have their own unique personalities and I really enjoyed getting to know them, feeding and playing with them. I miss each and every one of them so much.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 76% 76%

Rita & Jürgen

1 week – June 2023
from Germany

We adopted Theodoros from the DrDolittle Sanctuary. Thanks a lot for that wonderful dog. We stayed a week to get to know him and give him time to adopt us. 

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


1 week – June 2023
from Canada

Thank you Marie-Ann for the most positive experience I could possibly ask for. I love the vibes of the place and the love all the furry residents and visitors radiate. 

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


4+2+3 weeks – May 2022 & June 2023/24
from Great Britain

Whether I was hiking the mountains or watching the sunset over the sea, the peace I felt after being here was exactly what I needed and will be forever grateful for.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 weeks – July 2023
from Austria

This experience has enriched my life and I really enjoyed the time in nature, by the sea and with the animals. I can recommend it to anyone for a life changing experience. 

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 weeks – July 2023
from Austria

The most important experience for me was the impact the peaceful, slow and simple life here had on me. I never expected that. I never knew this exists. Excellent host.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%

Patrycja & Sam

4 weeks – August 2023
from Germany & USA

Open communication is the bridge that connects hearts and minds, while empathy lays the foundation upon which this bridge stands. That is what we will take with us.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 weeks – October 2023
from Spain

I feel anxious about leaving, knowing what I am going back to in terms of daily reality. Here life is rewarding and free, but home I will be encaged in old patterns again.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 80% 80%


4 weeks – November 2023
from Germany

I always wanted a dog and found my furry friend here in Greece. I gladly adopted Charis, a stray dog that was saved by the DrDolittle Sanctuary and Nasrin Salar.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 90% 90%


3 weeks – December 2023
from USA

The emotional intelligence that the animals here possess in relation to both myself and other animals was so eye-opening. Their understanding is an unrivaled experience.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 85% 85%

Karin & Sid

3 weeks – December-January  2023/24
from the USA

The more time we were here, the more we saw how important animal care is here in Greece and how much more needs to be done. We fell in love with all animals here.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 96% 96%


4 weeks – January & February 2024
from Germany

It’s the perfect place when you truly want to connect with your inner self. Each animal of the DrDolittle Sanctuary is unique and provides the healing you need.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 90% 90%


8 weeks – February & March 2024
from Australia

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


9 weeks –  April & Mai 2024
from the USA

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


3 weeks – June to July 2024
from Great Britain

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


3 weeks – July to August 2024
from the USA

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


weeks – August 2024

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


12 weeks – September-Novmber 2024
from Germany

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%


2 x 3 weeks – March & ? 22/24
from Germany

It’s really a great spot to heal and find yourself, though the animals will be your top priority. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I will come again for sure.

  • Social Impact in Happiness, Health & Self-Responsibility 0% 0%
  • Social Impact 2023 – Happiness 89% 89%
  • Social Impact 2023 – Health 82% 82%
  • Social Impact 2023 – Self-Responsibility 87% 87%

Tier Adoption

adoptieren oder kaufen

Ein Tier aufnehmen hat immer mit langfristiger Verantwortung zu tun. Es ist wie eine Partnerschaft. Die Chemie muss stimmen. Daher solltest du dein zukünftiges Haustier immer erst kennenlernen und tief in dich gehen, bevor du es aufnimmst. Wenn du ein älteres Tier zu dir nimmst, denk dran es hatte ein Leben vor dir. Oftmals kein Gutes, es ist davon geprägt.

Wie du das passende Tier findest

Was du beachten solltest ist Rasse, Herkunftsland und Lebensart. Ein Jagdhund, der 1 oder 2 Jahre in Freiheit gelebt hat, ist kein Stadthund. Eine Katze, die von einer wilden Mutter aufgezogen wurde, sieht Menschen als Gefahr und braucht Monate bis sie sich für Menschen entscheidet und sie wird immer souveräner Freigänger bleiben wollen.

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